Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Week 5 Winners!

Only three more weeks to go!

Some of you have mentioned that you have given up and/or lost motivation. Don't give up! The ultimate goal of this challenge is to get yourself in the habit of making healthier choices. Even if you don't get the highest points each week, if you walk away from this with healthier teeth and gums from getting in a flossing habit (or whatevs), then you're better than you were at the beginning of the challenge!

Start fresh today with a new outlook on the challenge, and keep at it. You'll be happy you did!

Congratulations to our random week 5 winners:

Brenda Finlinson 


Paige Norton!


  1. Funny story! When I originally read this post the day it was written, I read the first paragraph and then closed it and moved on. I didn't know I won until I got my $5 in the mail yesterday. Go me!
