Friday, June 1, 2012

Meet Logan

Logan Smith



Where you live: 

Lehi, Utah

What you do for a living:
full-time mom! 

Favorite Hobbies:
dancing, reading, baking, singing
Favorite Food (healthy or not):
 peanut butter! I seriously eat it straight out of the carton with a spoon. (of course I buy the healthy organic kind!)
What is the hardest thing for you to keep up with in this challenge?

 so far the hardest thing (and what I've failed at the most) is not eating sweets. I don't drink soda, but I love baked goods! I've also realized that I wasn't eating near as many fruits and vegetables as I thought I was before this challenge! So I'm glad to be focusing on getting more of those in my diet.
Which is the easiest thing for you to keep up with in this challenge? Any tips you'd like to share?

 exercising and drinking water are the easiest things for me. Like I said, I don't drink soda, so besides the occasional glass of OJ or milk with breakfast I just drink water all day long. I have a big 1.5 liter bottle that I fill up and take with me everywhere. Though I try to get most of my water in during the first half of the day (so I'm not up all night peeing!) I usually hit 40 ounces by lunchtime.
 I go to the gym at the same time every morning. My gym has a great daycare that my toddler loves, so it's easy to keep this habit! Because I go at the same time, I've become friends with other women that are always there at the same time as well. We motivate each other, and our kids love to see each other in the daycare every morning!
I also like to mix up my workouts so I don't get bored. I do a combination of cardio interval training, running, strength training/circuit training, and yoga/Pilates. Keeps things interesting!

In case you didn't know, Logan's sister recently auditioned for So You Think You Can Dance, and her audition was pretty fantastic. Of course, little boys yelling "I love you Mommy!" are my weakness. Check it out! 


  1. Thanks for posting a shoutout to Bree! :) She is totally my inspiration for getting/staying fit and healthy.

  2. Logan, it was fun reading about you! LOVED the video of Bree and her children!

  3. It is so fun to read these. And I loved the video of your sister dancing--she is GREAT!!!
